Monday, October 25, 2021

Advantages and disadvantages of glass electrode

The pH is the concentration of hydrogen ion in the sample, it is the most essential parameter for every solution and formulation. The pH value is significant in chemistry that is used to determine whether the sample is acidic, basic or neutral in nature. Basically, the pH value 07 is neutral, below pH 07 is acidic and 07 to 14 is basic in nature. The pH is measured by a device called pH meter, which contains electrodes, temperature sensors, and indicators or screen.

What is a glass electrode?

Advantages and disadvantages of glass electrodeA glass electrode is an ion-selective electrode made of a doped glass membrane that is sensitive to a specific ion. pH measurement is the most typical application for ion-selective glass electrodes. 

The pH electrode is an example of a hydrogen ion-sensitive glass electrode. Glass electrodes are an essential component in the instrumentation for chemical analysis and physicochemical research.

Advantages of glass electrode:

  • The glass electrode is most generally used where the chemical inertness is essential.
  • The glass electrode is very sensitive.
  • It is used for several kinds of applications.
  • Easy and convenient to use for cleaning and calibrating with a standard buffer solution.
  • It covers an acidic range and an alkaline range of pH.

Disadvantages of glass electrode:

  • Generally, the potential of the glass membrane depends on the pH.
  • It is tedious to accurately determine its single electrode capacity because it depends on many factors.
  • Deposits on the membrane of the electrode can disturb the pH measurement.
  • Probability of fragile glass breakdown.
  • The electrode is often needed to calibrate.
  • The special types of buffer solutions are necessary to calibrate.

Advantages of calomel electrode:

  • There is no need for a separate salt bridge because it already contains a side tube with a KCL (Potassium chloride) solution.
  • The electrode potential is repeatable and consistent.
  • They are convenient, compact, and relatively low cost.

Advantages of standard hydrogen electrode:

  • It may work as both an anode and cathode half cell.
  • Because a very minimal potential is created on the hydrogen electrode, its electrode potential can be taken to be zero.

Advantages of silver/silver chloride electrode:

  • It is simple and inexpensive to prepare.
  • Its results are stable and sturdy.
  • It covers a broad range of samples.

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