Sunday, August 28, 2022

How to prepare KCl solution for pH meter

Learn how to make potassium chloride solution for filling and storing electrodes of pH meter which are needed many applications such as research, practical, pharmaceutical, chemical laboratory, industries, etc.

The pH electrode is a very significant tool in several applications for measuring pH, it measures a solution's ionic potential, or how much charge is moving within a solution. This data is then converted into a pH value by the pH meter.

In order for the meter to provide reliable readings, the pH electrodes must be in proper working condition. The average lifetime of an electrode is between six months and two years, depending on its use and frequency of application.

A few factors that could shorten the lifespan of the pH electrode include sample composition, temperature, and how the electrode is stored and maintained. Care and preservation of pH probes ensure not just a longer lifespan but also more precise readings.

Requirements of glassware, chemicals, and apparatus:

Digital balance, beaker, pipette, pipette bulb, volumetric flask, measuring cylinder, glass rod, funnel, distilled water, AR/LR grade potassium chloride (KCl), etc.

How to prepare 3M KCl filling solution for the electrode of the pH meter:

Calculation method: We can calculate using the formula below.

Molar mass KCl = 39.1+35.45 = 74.55 g/mol,
Mol KCl needed to make 100 mL of 3 M solution:
mol = 100 mL / 1000 mL/L x 3 mol /L = 0.30 mol KCl
Mass KCl required = 0.30 mol * 74.55 g/mol = 22.635 g KCl

Therefore, to make a 3M solution of KCl, weigh accurately 22.635 gm of potassium chloride and dissolve it in 70 ml of distilled water in a volumetric flask. Once it has completely dissolved, make up the volume to 100 ml with distilled water, and properly mix it.

How to prepare pH electrode storage solution?

To prepare 4M potassium chloride electrode storage solution, weigh accurately 29.82 gm of KCl and dissolve it in 80 ml of distilled water in a volumetric flask. Once it has completely dissolved, make up the volume to 100 ml with distilled water, and properly mix it.


  • Always keep the pH electrode bulb moist to prevent clogging and for a fast response time.
  • Keep the pH electrode bulb moist when not in use by pouring electrode storage solution into the cap and then placing the cap over the bulb.
  • Frequently calibrate pH meter with standard buffer solutions such as pH 07, 04, and 09.20.
  • Electrode manufacturers suggested that store the electrode in a solution of 4 M KCl solution if you don't have 4M KCl, you can use a pH 4 buffer solution.
  • Do not store the electrode in distilled or deionized water, as this can cause ions to leach out from the glass bulb, rendering the electrodes useless.

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