Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Advantages and disadvantages of conductometry

Conductometry means the measurement of the conductivity of the ionic compounds. The conductivity meter consists of a conductivity cell made up of platinum and Wheatstone bridge circuit which use for the measurement of solution conductance.
The advantages of conductometric titrations are mentioned as follows.
  • The measurement process of conductivity is simple.
  • Broad selectivity.
  • Indicators are not required, since changes of solution conductance measured by the conductivity meter.
  • It is suitable for the turbid suspensions, diluted, and colored solution.
  • By graph plotting, the endpoint can be determined.
  • Provide accurate results with minimum errors.
  • Suitable for the analysis of weak bases, weak acids, a combination of strong & weak acids
  • Throughout the titration, the temperature is maintained constant.
The disadvantages of conductometric titrations are mentioned as follows.
  • High concentration is not possible to measure with this method.
  • A Solution is required to be diluted for measurement.
  • Less accurate than other methods.
  • Changes in salt level enhanced conductivity in the solution mask.
  • Less satisfactory than other methods.

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