Wednesday, December 19, 2018

pH Determination Methods

a pH is a short form for the potential of hydrogen. This is a numeric value that is allocated to the solution which indicates the solution that it is acidic or basic. pH ranges from 0 to 14, if the pH is less than 07, then it is defined as acidic while it greater than 7 pH then it is defined as basic and 7 pH is neither acidic nor basic. pH is the most commonly used parameter and there are numerous methods available to measure the pH of the solution.

Here are mentioned some methods used for pH measurement
pH paper or Indicator papers:
This is an easy and cheap way, which provides an indication of acidity or alkalinity, although this is not providing a precise measurement. The pH paper is coated with organic dyes which indicate with the color change. Litmus paper is also used to check the acidity or alkalinity of the solution. 
pH meters:
The pH meter is a scientific instrument it is widely used to determine the exact pH, the pH meter is determining the difference in electrical potential among an electrode and a reference electrode. It is available in small to medium sizes; easy to use, read on display, as well as the additional printer facility is available.
pH Indicators:
If we do not need to know the exact numerical pH value of the solution, but only knows that the solution is acidic or basic in such case a pH indicator is useful. A pH indicator is a compound which is contingent on the nature of the solution environment, the solution causes different colors.
If the pH of the solution is less than 2, it shows a vibrant red color, if the pH of the solution is around 5, it shows gold or yellow color.

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