Thursday, December 20, 2018

Definition of Isotonicity

There is an event called osmosis if the use of a semi-permeable membrane to isolate the solutions of various soluble concentrations. In which the molecules of solvent traverse the membrane from the lower concentration to higher concentration to set the concentration balance. The movement drives by the pressure that is called osmotic and is governed by the particle numbers in the solution. The particle number is fully determined by the solution concentration if the solution is non-electrolyte. If the solution is electrolyte then the particles are number determined by the solution concentration and the degree of dissociation.
The clinical importance of all this is to make sure that the solution of isotonic or Iso-osmotic does not harm the tissue or while administering it does not produce pain. The solutions that have fewer particles and pouring osmotic pressure less than 0.9% called as hypotonic and those solutions contain high osmotic pressure are called as hypertonic. Painful swelling of the tissues produces, when the administration of a hypotonic solution, since the water passes by the administrative site through blood cells or tissues. As water is pulled from the biological cells in an effort to dilute the hypertonic solution, it reduces the tissues. The administering effects of the hypotonic solution are generally graver than the solution of hypertonic since the breaking cells cannot be repaired. To adjust the Isotonicity of pharmaceutical solution several methods are used. The sodium chloride equivalent method is one of the most widely used methods.

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