Monday, August 26, 2019

Why is conductivity important in water?

Conductivity is one of the main useful and generally measured quality parameters in the water and other sample solutions. The water is a universal solvent which means normal water contains dissolved substances and these substances are in their ionic form in water. These dissolved substances help to enhance the conductivity and thus the relationship amongst the amount and conductivity of dissolved substances can be recognized. Salts and some chemicals which dissolve in water that can break down into positively charged ions and negatively charged ions. These free ions conduct electricity in the water, thus the electrical conductivity of water depends on the concentration of ions. The total dissolved solids (TDS) and salinity are used to determine the electrical conductivity of water, that helps signify the purity of water hence the conductivity is an important factor in water.
Conductivity is a very useful factor in different industries and manufacturing processes. We usually consider conductivity as a measure of the purity of water. It is also used in the fuel industry as a safety measure, it can help in pharmaceutical products, and it can use in beverage manufacturing. The range of conductance in drinking water has around 200 to 800 microSiemens/cm (µS/cm).

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