Thursday, October 28, 2021

What is the difference between the litmus paper and universal indicator?

The pH is a significant factor that determines whether a solution is acidic or alkaline. It measures the concentration of hydrogen ions (H +) in the solution. pH is measured using a variety of methods, which are chosen depending on the application. It includes pH meter, pH paper, and litmus paper (blue or red), and universal indicator, etc. These are the quickest and most simple ways to determine pH, and each has its own advantage.

What is litmus paper?

Litmus is a water-soluble mixture of various dyes which is extracted from lichens. It is absorbed onto filter paper to make one of the kinds of pH indicator, which is used to determine the acidity of the sample.

Litmus paper is used to perform the litmus test which determines whether the sample/substance is acidic or basic. It is available in two types of strips, which are red and blue, and works similarly to pH paper. The red litmus paper turns blue if the sample has an alkali, whereas in acids the blue litmus paper becomes red. In neutral, both litmus papers do not change their color if the sample is neutral.

What is a universal indicator?

A universal indicator is a mixture of dyes that begin with green color, but while added to a solution it changes color. The color that changes, not only specifies that the substance is acidic or basic, but it can show the position on the pH scale from 0 to 14. Colors ranging from yellow to red specify an acidic solution, blue to violet indicate alkali, and green indicates a neutral solution.

Difference between the litmus paper and universal indicator:

  • The major difference between the litmus paper and the universal indicator is that the universal indicators can change a range of various colors, so it is useful in determining the strength of an acid or base, while the litmus paper only gives you an indication of whether the substance is an acid or alkali; it doesn't tell us about the strength of the acid or the base.
  • Litmus paper is used in tests where only the acidic or basic nature of the substance is involved, while the universal indicator is used in tests were to know the pH of a substance.

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