Tuesday, May 21, 2019

What is a normal blood sugar level

A blood glucose test checks the amount of sugar in your blood. Glucose is a main source of energy for our body before we start about the glucose level in the blood first we know about the difference in glucose and sugar. The sugar is the common name for sweet carbohydrates that is dissolved in the water. Carbohydrate means food made only with oxygen; hydrogen and carbon, there are different types of sugars the one of our body uses most is known as glucose. The sources of other types of sugar in our body like lactose from milk and fructose from fruits are the convert into glucose in our bodies then we can use them as an energy source.
Clinical significance of blood glucose:
The amount of glucose level into our blood changes during day and night. The blood glucose level change depending upon how much, when, and what you have eaten and had whether you exercised or not. A precise measurement of glucose into the body fluid is important in the measurement and diagnosis of diabetes, adrenal dysfunction, hypoglycemia, and other various conditions.
Normal Values for blood sugar level:

70-110 mg/dl – Fasting 

90-130 mg/dl – Postprandial

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