Friday, August 31, 2018

Can a diabetic eat banana

Banana is the favorite fruit of everyone’s we get both taste and health from it. The Banana has proved to be very good for our body function, as well as for weight control, digestion, stomach, heart health, best for athletes to get calories and instant energy. Bananas contain lots of nutrients, protein, minerals, fiber, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, copper, iron and Vitamin B6, vitamin E which are essential for development and maintain body functions.
Diabetes is a disease that increases the amount of sugar in the body significantly, however, any kind of carbohydrate sugar found in bananas is the type of sugar this is why banana taste is quite sweet. In this case, people who have diabetes avoid eating bananas due to the presence of sugar. But banana fruit is useful for diabetic patients because of the presence of glycemic list. The glycemic index advises you how the food containing carbohydrate affects your blood glucose level when you eat it.
Fiber and vitamin C found in a banana. In addition, there is also an element in banana, which increases the amount of sugar in our body, but this does not mean that diabetics cannot eat bananas. Diabetes Patients can also eat bananas, but with other diets. By eating bananas daily, diabetic patients have no risk. The only correct amount is important for eating. By eating more than enough, it can harm. The banana provides fiber, it is also helpful in getting relief from diabetes, this is another reason for eating, and bananas can be consumed to keep diabetes under control. But as mentioned earlier, it should be taken with other diets.

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