
Thursday, May 10, 2018

Chromatography abbreviation

Some common abbreviations used in chromatography are listed below.

A Angstrom
ACN Acetonitrile
Aq.sol. Aqueous solution
C18 Octadecyl silane
C8 Octyl silane
CC Chiral chromatography
CN Cyno
DCM  Dichloromethane
DMSO Dimethylsulfoxide
ELSD  evaporative light scattering detector
EtOH Ethanol
FLR Fluorescence
FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
GPC  gel permeation chromatography
 GC Gas chromatography
GLP Good laboratory practice
GMP Good manufacturing practice
FIA  flow injection analysis
H Height 
HETP Height equivalent to theoretical plate
HPLC High performance liquid chromatography
HPTLC high performance thin layer chromatography
IC Ion chromatography
ID Internal diameter
IPA Isopropanol
IPC Ion pair chromatography
IR Infrared spectroscopy 
L Length
Ibs Pounds
K Capacity factor
KH2PO4 Potassium dihydrogen phosphate
LC Liquid chromatography
LC/MS Liquid chromatography/mass spectroscopy
μm Micrometer
μg Microgram
μl Microlitre
MeOH Methanol
Mg/ml Milligram/milliliter
Min Minutes
mL/g Milliliter per gram
mL/min Milliliter per min
mm Millimeter
mM Millimole
MS Mass Spectroscopy
mS   millisiemens 
msec Milliseconds
mV Millivolt
MW Molecular weight
N Efficiency
ng Nanogram
NMR  nuclear magnetic resonance
NP Normal phase
OD Outer diameter
ODS Octadecyl silane
PDA Diode array detector
PEG polyethylene glycol
PLE pressurized liquid extraction
pg Picogram
pH Potential of hydrogen
pKa Acid dissociation constant 
PPM Parts per million
PSI Pound per square inch
QC  quality control
RI Refractive index
RP Reverse phase
Rs Resolution
RSD Relative standard deviation
Si Silica
SEC  size exclusion chromatography
S/N  signal-to-noise ratio
SPE   solid phase extraction
TEA Triethylamine
Temp Temperature
TFA Trifluoroacetic acid
THF Tetrahydrofuran
tR Retention time
µg microgram
µS Microsiemens
UPLC  Ultra performance liquid chromatography
UHPLC  Ultra high performance liquid chrom.
UV Ultraviolet
V Volte
v/v Volume per volume
Vo Dead volume
W Width
w/v Weight per volume

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